The revitalization of Cegep Marie-Victorin: a unique identity as a green oasis of learning in Montreal

In the heart of Montreal's east side, higher education icon Cegep Marie-Victorin has unveiled a new visual identity that reflects its innovative and community-driven ethos. Cegep, a former private university that transformed into a public institution in 1993, stands out not only for its urban and modern campus, but also for its surrounding green spaces, offering an unrivaled environment for both study and work.

The newly adopted identity will breathe life into its core values, presenting a vibrant and accessible language that contrasts sharply with the traditional academic atmosphere. This refreshing approach manifests itself in a graphic system full of potential, enabling the institution to clearly articulate its various communication activities. With this new approach, Cegep Marie-Victorin reaffirms its commitment to providing high-quality education in a stimulating and humane learning context, all while fostering a sense of belonging and community among its students and staff.

This strategic change is more than just a cosmetic change; is a reflection of the institution's forward-looking and inclusive philosophy. By using a dynamic and friendly visual language, Cegep Marie-Victorin not only stands out in the educational context of Montreal, but also reinforces its role as a unique place for personal and academic development. This transformation encourages both current and future members of the Cegep community to rediscover the joy and excitement of learning.

deux huit huit. Innovative visual identity Cegep Marie-Victorin Montreal.
deux huit huit. Urban modern campus Cegep Marie-Victorin transformation.
deux huit huit. Cegep Marie-Victorin community spirit new look.
deux huit huit. Cegep Marie-Victorin vibrant language education.
eux huit huit. Graphic system Cegep Marie-Victorin unique communication.
deux huit huit. Quality education Cegep Marie-Victorin student belonging.
deux huit huit. Dynamic visual language Cegep Marie-Victorin Montreal education.
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