Goodside Studio Desnudo branding, specialty coffee brand identity, Austin coffee trailer, high-quality beans, small farms.
May 20, 2024

Desnudo revamp: Creating a solid brand identity for specialty coffee pioneer Austin's

Desnudo, an Austin specialty coffee brand, is known for sourcing the highest quality beans from small, independent farms. As their coffee trailer business grew rapidly, they needed a consistent brand identity to support their growth.

Working closely with the founders, a comprehensive branding system was developed that included direct-to-consumer delivery, wholesale, social media, packaging and printing.

This new identity underlines Desnudo's commitment to quality and mission to transform the coffee industry. The most important element of the brand is telling the stories of the unique farms it works with, ensuring that their vision is consistently communicated - changing the world one cup at a time.

The refreshed branding not only supports their expansion plans, but also reinforces their commitment to sustainability and social engagement.

Goodside Studio Desnudo rebrand, comprehensive branding system, Austin coffee, direct-to-consumer, wholesale, social media.
Goodside Studio Desnudo new identity, specialty coffee, Austin brand, sustainable coffee sourcing, independent farms.
Goodside Studio Desnudo visual identity, specialty coffee branding, Austin coffee expansion, packaging design, quality focus.
Goodside Studio Desnudo brand revamp, Austin coffee pioneer, coffee industry transformation, sustainable sourcing, farm stories.
Goodside Studio Desnudo new branding, specialty coffee, Austin coffee truck, quality beans, brand consistency, social engagement.
Goodside Studio Desnudo identity, Austin coffee business growth, branding system, coffee delivery, social media presence.
Goodside Studio Desnudo specialty coffee brand, new identity, Austin, high-quality beans, small farms, brand expansion.
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