Together Design London presents: Herefor, showcasing Haws' iconic watering cans against a backdrop of lush greenery. Elevate your gardening experience with our meticulously crafted watering solutions.
Dec 12, 2023

Reviving a tradition: Haws' journey to becoming the pinnacle of watering can craftsmanship in the digital age

In a bid to regain market leadership, Haws, the world's oldest watering can manufacturer, has undertaken a comprehensive repositioning initiative. With a rich history dating back to 1886, Haws faced increased competition and sought to discover untapped potential in the growing potted plant market. The challenge was met with strategic changes at every touchpoint, envisioning Haws as a sustainable e-commerce brand capable of attracting both new enthusiasts and traditional gardeners.

Haws' rich history, highlighted by innovative patents, laid the foundations for a meticulous rebranding process. Recognizing the need for a paradigm shift, a strategic intersection of traditional craftsmanship and the aesthetic sensibility of the Instagram generation was identified. This ideal location became the catalyst for changing Haws' narrative and re-contextualizing its products, breathing new life into their communications strategy.

The transformation was holistic, with an emphasis on cultivating the entire brand ecosystem. A thorough segmentation of the product range and a well-thought-out product naming system were introduced. The development of a robust set of visual assets and guidelines, along with a contemporary logo, redesigned packaging and a consistent messaging framework, paved the way for a comprehensive brand rejuvenation. To complement these changes, sales materials were also revamped and their online presence improved, including a redesigned website and refreshed social media channels.

The idea driving this transformation was the recognition of a key market niche - the combination of heritage and contemporary style. Design elements and strategic choices were inspired by this insight, ensuring that Haws not only embraced its rich history, but also resonated with today's style-conscious demographic. Combining traditional values with modern aesthetics, Haws has successfully positioned itself as the epitome of watering can craftsmanship in the digital age.

The essence of Haws' rebrand is to seamlessly integrate its venerable history with a forward-thinking approach, establishing a compelling narrative that captivates a diverse audience and secures its place as a timeless icon in the world of horticulture.

Together Design London presents:  Herefor, featuring Haws' signature watering cans – a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Explore our range, a testament to craftsmanship spanning over a century.
Together Design London presents:  Herefor, a glimpse into Haws' legacy – watering cans designed to stand the test of time. Embrace tradition with a touch of contemporary elegance in every drop.
Together Design London presents:  Herefor, unveiling Haws' reimagined watering cans – a fusion of heritage and style. Immerse yourself in the art of gardening with our iconic, time-honored creations.
Together Design London presents:  Herefor, a closer look at Haws' revitalized watering cans. Crafted for the modern plant enthusiast, each can is a symbol of enduring quality and refined design.
Together Design London presents:  Herefor, Haws' watering cans against a backdrop of botanical beauty. Rediscover the joy of gardening with our elegantly redesigned, classic watering companions.
Together Design London presents:  Herefor, a celebration of Haws' heritage in every drop. Our watering cans, a timeless blend of craftsmanship and innovation, redefine the art of nurturing plants.
Together Design London presents:  Herefor, an ode to Haws' journey – iconic watering cans that transcend time. Experience the fusion of tradition and modernity in every detail, exclusively crafted for plant enthusiasts.
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