White Bear: Thrift+ platform - circular economy fashion solution for sustainable clothing.
Oct 12, 2023

A Seamless Transformation from Secondhand to Pre-loved in Fashion

Thrift+, in their pursuit to reshape the fashion landscape, aims to curtail fashion waste and bridge the gap between production and utility. Every year, out of 100 billion produced clothing items, a staggering 70% is discarded, highlighting an imperative to alter consumption patterns. However, the pre-existing perception of secondhand fashion was marred with descriptors like "fusty", "musty", and "dusty", often associated with inconsistent quality and sizing issues.

Addressing these challenges head-on, Thrift+ partnered with White Bear. Their collaboration led to a refined brand strategy that emphasizes the shift from 'secondhand' to 'pre-loved', thereby giving the products a renewed essence. This transformation was not just semantic but was deeply rooted in the brand’s mission: to simplify the process of buying and selling pre-owned garments and ensure the quality and care of each item, eliminating the chaotic peer-to-peer exchanges.

The resultant brand identity is both vibrant and assertive. With a dominant yellow palette, robust typography, and a tone of voice exuding confidence, Thrift+ has effectively managed to quell the prevalent consumer reservations associated with secondhand buying. It is evident that Thrift+ does not merely offer clothing; it offers a fresh perspective on pre-owned fashion, opening the door to a more sustainable and discerning consumption habit.

White Bear: Branding strategy for Thrift+ - redefining fashion industry's identity.
White Bear: Fashion industry challenge - 70% clothing wastage & need for sustainable solution
White Bear: Joe's vision - transforming secondhand fashion into a smarter, mainstream choice.
White Bear: Thrift+ brand color & typography - bold, vibrant identity promoting sustainable fashion.
White Bear: Thrift+ mission - advocating the love and trust in pre-loved clothing.
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