KONTRAPUNKT green energy revolution Ørsted brand identity design
Mar 21, 2024

Revolutionizing Green Energy: Ørsted’s Bold Visual Identity for a Sustainable Future

Ørsted, a leading corporate giant in the energy sector, embarked on a transformative journey to align its brand identity with its pioneering vision of a world powered entirely by green energy. Collaborating closely with the in-house design team, a comprehensive visual identity overhaul was initiated to encapsulate the essence of Ørsted’s commitment to sustainability. This extensive project spanned from creating a digital brand center to designing signage systems, way-finding solutions, vehicle liveries, and a plethora of publications. The rebranding effort was further enriched with the development of sound and animation styles, bespoke typography, and iconography, each element thoughtfully crafted to resonate with Ørsted’s mission.

The cornerstone of this rebranding initiative was the creation of a visual language that is both consistent and expressive, capable of rallying both the internal team and the broader community towards the goal of positive environmental change. This identity not only represents Ørsted’s ambitious goals but also serves as a flag under which the company and its stakeholders can unite for sustainability. The creation of a bespoke flag symbolizes this unity and marks a significant milestone in Ørsted’s journey towards a greener future. Through this comprehensive visual identity transformation, Ørsted has successfully positioned itself at the forefront of the green energy revolution, demonstrating the power of design in driving change and fostering a collective sense of purpose.

KONTRAPUNKT Ørsted sustainability commitment visual language creation
KONTRAPUNKT digital brand center Ørsted green energy initiative
KONTRAPUNKT bespoke typography Ørsted environmental mission
KONTRAPUNKT Ørsted signage system for sustainable future
KONTRAPUNKT vehicle livery design Ørsted clean energy vision
KONTRAPUNKT Ørsted animation style green revolution branding
KONTRAPUNKT Ørsted flag design uniting for sustainability
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