SMK's Creative Revolution: Empowering Students through Visual Identity
SMK, a Vilnius-based university, faced a significant challenge – their corporate identity, marked by stiffness, failed to reflect their modern ethos and creative offerings to potential and current students. This disconnect had been causing a gradual decline in the number of incoming students. Additionally, SMK struggled to distinguish itself from other higher education institutions, compromising the perceived advantages of studying there.
In response, a groundbreaking design approach emerged – harnessing the untapped potential of SMK's highly creative student body. Instead of traditional design methods, the focus shifted towards creating a collaborative visual language that the entire community could actively contribute to. A versatile design system was developed, enabling each student to craft a personalized SMK logo and branded materials through an interactive game. The response was astounding, with nearly 100% of students customizing their solutions within the first month of launch. The impact extended beyond the campus, with a remarkable 57% increase in student enrollment in the first year following the system's introduction.
Introducing the SMK Logotype Generator – an innovative tool empowering SMK students to fashion their unique symbols. With just four simple steps of games and tests, the application generates a personalized logotype. This exported logo can be seamlessly integrated into university documents, social media profiles, and merchandise, reinforcing SMK's vibrant and dynamic identity.